Bush Volunteer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Bush Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year. Our Bush PTO helps our school administration with recruiting volunteers for school events and activities. There are many opportunities for all levels of interests and time commitments. Please fill out the form below to be added to our volunteer database and let us know what school-related activities you're interested in. Filling out the form does not commit you to volunteering, but rather it adds your name and email to our volunteer database so that you can receive volunteer emails throughout the year to sign up for various events and activities.    

What grade(s) are your student(s) in?

School Volunteer Opportunities



Bush PTO


If you are interested in volunteering on a committee with our Bush PTO Board, please fill out the Bush PTO Board Interest Form, which is separate from this form. Thank you. 


Description of School Volunteer Opportunities


Art Room: Assist Art Teacher with grade level specific projects and programs. Occurs a few times per school year per grade level; may take 1 to 2 hours depending on the project.


Bush Store: Help out during our monthly Bush Store where students get to "shop" with their Bush Bucks throughout the year. 


Car Line: Open car doors during morning car line. Available each day during open school hours; approximately 30 minutes long.


Library: Check-in/out books, shelve books, assist with Bookfairs (set-up/breakdown, cash register), special events/projects. Semester commitment for check-in/out/shelving; Book fair is twice per school year; special events/projects are available throughout the year. 


Moveable Minutes: Assist staff with monitoring students during Moveable Minutes (outdoor activities). Occurs each morning beginning at 7:30 during open campus school days; lasts approximately 30 min. each morning.


P.E.: Assist P.E. team with school wide P.E. events and activities, such as Field Day. Occurs multiple times throughout the school year; sessions may be 1 to 2 hrs. for various events. 


Room Parents: Assist your room teacher with various events and activities throughout the year. Please note Room Parents are assigned by the individual teachers at the beginning of the year. 


Watch D.O.G.S.: The "Dads of Great Students" program is open to all dads and father figures of our Bush Bobcats. The program is coordinated by our school administration with a kick-off event in the fall. 


Thank you for supporting our Bush Bobcats!